
The biographies of famous people. В данном разделе вы сможете найти биографии знаменитых людей. Краткий словарь с переводом отдельных фраз будет представлен после описания жизни знаменитого человека.

Биография Шекспира на английском

шекспирWilliam Shakespeare is perhaps not only England’s most famous playwright and poet but also the greatest writer in the world. He is often called as England’s national poet and the “Bard of Avon”. His works have been translated into every major language and are read more widely than those of other writers. Читать далее

Биография Людвига Ван Бетховена на английском


Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He was a German composer and pianist. He was the eldest of three boys who survived infancy. His father, Johann van Beethoven, was a musician and became Beethoven’s first music teacher.

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